[Howto] manually download kernel headers / sources in FreeBSD

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download via svn or svn-lite: #command to download the complete FreeBSD source-files svnlite checkout https://svn.freebsd.org/base/releng/11.0/ /usr/src/ #command to download only the FreeBSD kernel/header source-files svnlite checkout https://svn.freebsd.org/base/releng/11.0/sys/ /usr/src/sys  

[Howto] bond network interfaces in FreeBSD 10 (LAGG)

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insert into /etc/rc.conf the following code: (e.g. 4x Intel NICs bond together in LACP-Mode) # tested under FreeBSD v10.x and v11.x ifconfig_igb0=”up” ifconfig_igb1=”up” ifconfig_igb2=”up” ifconfig_igb3=”up” cloned_interfaces=”lagg0″ ifconfig_lagg0=”laggproto lacp laggport igb0 laggport igb1 laggport igb2 laggport igb3 netmask″

[Howto] use GPIO from Raspberry Pi

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the Linux-Kernel manages the GPIO-system under the path /sys/class/gpio. Use the following commands to manage the pins (e.g. GPIO 17):   activate GPIO 17: echo 17 > /sys/class/gpio/export deactivate GPIO 17: echo 17 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport   configure GPIO 17 as … Continued

[Howto] configure your Grandstream phone for Sipgate VoIP

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the minimal working configuration for an sipgate.de SIP-Account is: SIP Server = sipgate.de SIP User ID = <enter-your-user-id-here> SIP Authenticate ID = <enter-your-user-id-here> SIP Password = <enter-your-password-here> Now the phone can register itself through the SIP-protocol at your provider, e.g. … Continued