[Howto] enable column sorting in GTK+ views

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it’s very simple, because you must only define a “sort-column-id” for the column (GTK Version 3.24.5-1) # define sort-column-id for a specific columngtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(firstcolumn), 0) This function enables a “clickable column-header” and sorting (default: switches with every click between ascending/descending sortorder) … Continued

[Howto] speed-up a slow gtk_tree_view (GTK3)

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problem: every time, when the model-data inside the GTK_TREE_VIEW is changed/updated, the whole view will be recalculated (e.g. auto-sizing of row height and column width). This behaviour can lead to massive cpu load and time consumption, because the recalculation will … Continued