[Howto] GTK+ FileChooser-dialog example

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GTK+ 3 example: open filechooser-dialog with 2 buttons, select file, click open, print filename to console, clear filename-memory, close filechooser-dialog GtkWidget *fc_dialog;GtkFileChooser *fc;char *filename;fc_dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new(“Title”, NULL, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, “Abort”, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, “Open”, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL);gtk_widget_show(fc_dialog);if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(fc_dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT){ fc = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(fc_dialog); filename … Continued

[Howto] start X without systemd requirement

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situtation: debian’s X-Server requires a systemd-session to work.   problem: If you haven’t installed systemd, you aren’t able to start the xserver, because the xserver can’t connect to an systemd session. (EE) systemd-logind: failed to get session: The name org.freedesktop.login1 was not provided … Continued

[Howto] solve freebsd-update invalid signature error

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check, if you have a working /usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl version file /usr/bin/openssl ldd /usr/bin/openssl   check, if you have a valid signature-file for freebsd-update /var/db/freebsd-update/pub.ssl (you can safely remove it, because a new run of freebsd-update fetches it again)   After … Continued

[Howto] merge solids in FreeCAD

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FreeCAD v0.16 create two cutting solids select both solids click “boolean operation” → select “merge” → ok now both solids became unvisible and a new fusion is created select the newly created fusion menu → part → refine shape