[Howto] Epson ET-3600 and Debian 9.0 Linux

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today there aren’t any specific ET-3600 linux drivers. However, you can use the ET-4550 driver for the ET-3600 printer and it work’s fine.


download the linux ET-4550 driver

Epson ESC/P-R Driver v1.6.3 from http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/

install the prerequisites: (lsb-Package)

apt-get install lsb

install the downloaded driver:

 apt-get install epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.13-1lsb3.2_amd64.deb

configure cups (add printer): (e.g. the printer IPv4-address is

1) start your webbrowser and open the CUPS-WebGUI (URL: "localhost:631")
2) click "Administration"
3) click "Add Printer", login with your root-credentials and create a new printer with the following options:

network-printer:  Internet Printing Protocol (ipp)
description:      Epson-ET3600
location:         myOffice
make:             Epson
modell:           Epson ET-4550 Series (epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.6.13-1lsb3.2 (Seiko Epson Corporation LSB 3.2)
